2013년 11월 15일 금요일

Starla Alder 's blog ::the 1-800 number

Starla Alder 's blog ::the 1-800 number

A               Federal               Employer's               Identification               Number               (FEIN)               is               also               known               as               the               Taxpayer's               Identification               Number.

An               EIN               is               a               nine               digit               number               that               is               assigned               to               a               business               entity.

The               business               entity               can               be               a               sole               proprietorship,               partnership,               Limited               Liability               Corporation,               or               can               be               based               on               non-profit               cooperatives.

There               are               two               main               reasons               for               having               your               FEIN.

If               the               business               is               going               to               have               employees,               even               if               it               is               just               the               owner,               the               FEIN               is               necessary               for               the               payroll               taxes.

You               may               also               want               to               get               your               FEIN               to               protect               yourself               from               identity               theft.

The               FEIN               identifies               the               business               to               banks,               vendors               and               creditors               while               protecting               your               personal               social               security               number.

There               are               four               ways               to               apply               for               an               FEIN:
               Apply               for               an               FEIN               online.

Once               the               application               is               submitted,               it               is               immediately               verified               and               the               FEIN               number               is               available               immediately.

This               can               save               a               lot               of               time               and               headaches               if               you               need               your               number               rapidly.
               Apply               for               an               FEIN               by               Toll-Free               Telephone               Service.

The               Internal               Revenue               Service               also               offers               US               residents               with               a               toll               free               number               (800)               829-4933.

An               assistor               will               take               your               information               over               the               phone               and               assign               you               an               FEIN               immediately.

The               service               is               available               Monday               through               Friday               from               7               am               to               10               pm.
               Apply               for               an               FEIN               by               FAX:               You               can               fill               out               an               SS-4               application               and               FAX               it               to               your               local               IRS               office.

Find               your               local               IRS               fax               number.

If               you               provide               your               fax               number               with               your               application,               your               FEIN               will               be               sent               by               fax               within               four               business               days.
               Apply               for               an               FEIN               by               Mail:               If               you               do               not               need               your               FEIN               number               immediately,               send               your               completed               SS-4               form               to               the               Internal               Revenue               Service               by               mail.

It               will               take               approximately               four               weeks               to               receive               your               FEIN.
               Business               which               may               need               new               FEIN               numbers               are               any               business               which               changes               its               tax               structure               such               as               going               from               a               sole               proprietorship               to               a               partnership,               or               if               you               buy               an               existing               business.

If               you               close               your               business               down,               be               sure               to               contact               the               Internal               Revenue               Service               and               close               out               your               FEIN               account               with               them.
               Internal               Revenue               Service:               How               to               Apply               for               an               FEIN
               FEIN               Application               -               SS-4               Form
               How               to               open               a               new               retail               business

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